Attention outdoor and nature lovers, this is a rewarding adventure you cannot miss! Spend spring break working hard and playing hard with new friends on a beautiful island paradise! Working with like-minded stewards like you, we will be involved in environmental projects that help restore the balance and protect this unique island ecosystem. In partnership with Channel Islands Restoration, projects may include trail building, habitat restoration, gardening, and invasive plant removal.
But what is a trip to the islands without ‘playtime’ and exploration? On this trip you will have time to travel Santa Cruz Island's extraordinary coastline by kayak, explore its ‘inland’ wonders as you hike the National Park trails, and find endless photo opportunities along the way. Like our two and three-day trips to the Island, this trip will give you a chance to get up-close and personal with the flourishing marine life, wave-carved caves, and other unique features of the local Channel Islands.
Our activities on the island will include paddling along the island coast, poking into interesting spots, and finding new treasures around every new point. You will also have time to hike the island trails, snorkel, beach-comb, relax in camp, and enjoy meals with your fellow participants while we work together to give back to this beautiful island environment.
The fee includes a round trip boat ride, group camping and cooking gear, all required permits, breakfasts and dinners, kayaking gear, SB Adventure Co. guides, Channel Islands Restoration instructor, UC Reserve fees, and Adventure Programs trained volunteer guides. You are responsible for your own lunches and personal gear.
Click here for dates, cost, & registration!
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