Jr. Lifeguards offers children ages 8-17 the opportunity to learn and train with lifeguards. Jr. Lifeguards is more than just a summer camp, participants will gain a wide variety of skills, knowledge, and valuable experience which builds self-confidence and skills for life. Programs take place at UCSB’s beautiful Campus Point.

What is Jr. Lifeguards?

Ages 8 - 17

Program topics include oceanography, first aid, CPR, water rescue techniques, mutual cooperation, competition techniques, and lifesaving methods. Our Instructors are a mix of local teachers and college students with many years of lifeguarding experience and Jr. Lifeguard (JG) program participation. Program staff provides a fun and safe aquatic education to UCSB JG participants. 

Register Now

2025 Program Information

Monday — Friday: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Session 1
Monday, June 23 – Friday, July 18
(No camp on July 4)

Session 2
Monday, July 21 – Thursday, August 14

Program Cost

1 Session: $525
2 Sessions: $935

Add Afternoon Summer Day Camp: $130

Sibling Rate: $475
We offer a sibling add-on rate for single sessions only. This price is for additional children after first child is registered at the full $525 rate.
Siblings participating in both sessions will need to pay the full price ($935 per child).

2025 Registration is now open!


2025 Participant Tryouts

Saturday April 12 @ 12 - 1:30pm 

Sunday May 18 @ 12 - 1:30pm

Saturday  June 7 @ 12 - 1:30pm

Swim test requirement:

*Tread water for 3 minutes registering.

*Swim underwater for 10 yards

*Swim 100 yards under the time limit: Ages 12 & up =2:20, Ages 11 & under = 2:30

New participants need to attend one of the try-out dates before or after registering. All tryouts will be held at the Recreation Center Pool.

Returning program participants from 2023 & 2024 do not need to try out before registering. However, we do recommend they come to Rookie Days in order to refresh their skills!

Rookie Day

June 20

Price: Free for New JGs, $25 for Returning JGs

Rookie days are a chance for new participants to experience Jr. Lifeguards on a smaller scale in a more predictable pool environment at our Recreation Center pools. This also gives new participants another chance to pass the required swim test.

Returning Jr. Lifeguards may want to get back in the water to refresh their skills and meet this season's instructors.


Jr. Lifeguard Assistants

Ages 15 - 17 

UCSB Jr. Lifeguard Assistants have the opportunity to learn more about safety, aquatic skills, and equipment needed to prepare for future JG Instructor positions. Applicants must be 15-17 years old, have successfully participated in a JG program, pass a swim/run assessment, and interview.

JG Assistant Tryout Dates & Times TBA

Please contact Ryan (Buzz) Collins for an application: rcollins@ucsb.edu



Uniforms are required. The uniform consists of solid navy blue trunks, jammers, or swimsuits worn with UCSB JG’s T-shirt and/or a UCSB Blue & Gold Rash Guard. We provide every participant with 1 Short Sleeved shirt included in registration. Additional t-shirts, long-sleeved Tees, sweatshirts, and rash guards may be purchased on the first three days of each session at the Recreation Center Customer Service Center. Navy blue uniforms can be purchased locally at Surf Country for a 10% discount when you show them your UCSB JG registration.

Junior Lifeguards Uniform Options & Pricing


Customer Service Center
(805) 893-3738

Program Director
(805) 893-7616


Main Camp Office
(805) 893-3913

Emergency Contact
Contact the main camp office first at (805) 893-3913. In cases of "emergency only" when other options are unavailable you may call the Rec Cen Lifeguard Office at (805) 893-7213. This line is not to be used for general questions regarding registration or camp information.