Want to buy a Rec Cen Membership? Looking to register for a class? Have questions about our programs? Our Customer Service Center can help you out with all of this and more!

Monday - Friday
8:30 am - 7:00 pm
Hours will be reduced during Spring Break, Winter Break, and Summer Break.
(805) 893-3738
Check back for announcements from the CSC!
We are located at the Recreation Center. Just before entering the Rec Cen main entrance, turn right and walk just past the bathroom. Our entrance will be on your left.
Heading South on 101: Exit on Los Carneros Road. Turn right on Los Carneros Road and proceed two miles to Mesa Road. Turn left on Mesa Road and proceed past the Campus Police Department to Ocean Road. Turn right on Ocean Road and the Recreation Center will be on your right. Parking lot 16/ Mesa Structure 18/ is across the street on your left.
Heading North on the 101: Exit on Highway 217 (Airport/ UCSB) and go 4.4 mi. to the campus entrance. Head right at the Henly Gate roundabout and continue on Mesa Road to Ocean Road. Turn left on Ocean Road and the Recreation Center will be on your right. Parking lot 16/ Mesa Structure 18 is across the street on your left.
Parking: Parking Lot 16 and Parking Structure 18 are located directly across the street from the Recreation Center. For information on parking rates please visit http://www.tps.ucsb.edu/.