UCSB Department of Recreation is one of the largest employers on campus with over 600 student positions. We rely on students to run the award winning Recreation Center and programming such as Adventure, Aquatics, Intramurals, Sport Clubs and Youth Programs. Students work in a fast paced, professional environment directly with career staff mentors learning both hard and soft skills that compliments in-classroom learning. While working in Recreation, students gain first-hand experience in developing management, organization, and leadership skills as well as building intra personal relationships. We pride ourselves on providing staff with extensive training both specific to their recreation area and at a department wide level.

Student Staff

Student Employment

The Department of Recreation is one of the largest employers of students on campus. We boast a wide variety of jobs for students to gain hands-on experience in fields they're interested in.

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Career Staff

Career Staff, Community, and
Instructor Positions

Career Staff contribute to building an enriching, fun, and inclusive environment at the Department of Recreation. It is not uncommon for our career staff to stay with the department for decades. Some part-time or temporary positions are also open to the community.

We accept proposals for new Gaucho R.E.C. (Recreation and Exercise Classes) and Get Up GAUCHOS! at all times, email your proposal to gauchorec@recreation.ucsb.edu

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