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Students get significant discounts, open access to the Recreation Center, and low to no-cost events thanks to Student Fee Referenda. Keep Recreation programs, services, and facilities available and accessible.

Vote YES for REC 


Recreational Sports
Intramural Sports

New Ballot Initiative

Recreation Center Operations

S23 Reaffirmation

Frequently Asked Questions

30 years ago a number of visionary students got together, worked with campus officials, and passed the first Recreation Center fee initiative in the UC system. The fee was designed to build and operate the facility. In order to pay for construction, a 30-year bond (think mortgage) was taken out and it has been paid back over the last three decades. It will be completely paid off this Summer 2023.   At the time this was passed in the early 90s, there was no example or precedent for this sort of fee. Most importantly, there wasn't a plan for what happens to the fee when the bond gets paid off. Although the fee was to pay off the bond AND operate the Rec Cen, the UC lawyers have determined it will simply go away completely. In order to continue operating the Rec Cen, pay student wages, keep pace with inflation, perform maintenance, and invest in new equipment a new fee MUST be passed. The great news is that when you factor in the existing fee going away (and the flip the switch fee dropping from $15 to $2.84 for Undergrads) the increase in Recreation Fees is only $4.76 for Undergrads and $16.92 for Graduate Students

Open hours would be reduced significantly and all users could be required to purchase an individual membership as either a day use pass, quarterly membership, or annual membership. As an example, UC Davis Recreation Center has undergrad only lock-in fees so UG students simply enter with their student ID, however Graduate Students must pay $600 per year for an individual membership. 

The Recreational Sports Fee supports Sport Clubs, Intramural Sports, Adventure Programs, Special Events, and a Student Marketing team. If this doesn't pass all areas would be significantly impacted.

There would be no Sport Club team funding allocations. All costs associated with teams would fall directly on student team members. Hours at the Athletic Performance Center (APC) & Athletic Training services would be significantly cut back and costs to operate these services would need to be paid by students on the teams. Athletic Training coverage for home events would likely be limited to only "high risk" sports as opposed to all home sport club events. This change would also put more work on the Events staff as they would also be serving as first responders along with their other duties in lieu of athletic training staff not being present at all events. Practices would have to be shortened significantly to fall within new hours of operation. Home games and events cost (staffing) would be charged back to the students on the team and no longer be absorbed by the department. 

Adventure Programs are heavily subsidized by fee referenda. If they are not reaffirmed, there would be significant impacts to what adventures would be available. Additionally, any remaining programs would significantly increase in cost and would likely make them inaccessible to many students on a tight budget. As an example, the Adventure Pass (12 months of unlimited equipment rentals) would likely go from $59 to $199! 

The majority of Special Events, such as the Turkey Trot, Dodgeball Tournament, etc. are currently low or no cost. Many of the current events would likely discontinue all together and others would see a significant increase in costs to participate. The Events staff would be significantly reduced. Registered Campus Organization events such as Greek life philanthropies, dance group competitions, team bonding events, etc. would be significantly limited due to decreased staff. Sport Club events would be reduced due to limited staff and reduced facility hours. 

Intramural Sports employs more than 100 students during a traditional quarter. If the Intramural Fee is not reaffirmed, Intramural Sports would have to employ drastically fewer staff to provide minimal safety supervision. The program would not have the ability to offer officials for basketball, soccer, or softball. Additionally, the Intramural Sports program would need to offer fewer leagues and participation opportunities. Currently, participation fees are heavily subsidized by the Intramural fee. Without the Intramural Fee, the program would need to significantly increase participation fees to more accurately reflect the cost of administering the program. 

Voting at UCSB is not a function of being a US citizen, its all about being a UCSB Student. Your vote not only counts, but is VERY important to ensure future international students get the same Recreation benefits you get to currently enjoy. Vote Yes for Rec!

Your vote not only counts, but is VERY important to ensure future Gauchos get the same Recreation Programs, Services, and Facilities you get to currently enjoy. Vote Yes for Rec!

Fee Referenda at UCSB include "RTA" which is Return to Aid. From the Campus Voter Guide:

Definition of RETURN TO AID: The return-to-aid surcharge, 25% of the total fee charged, is assessed to every campus-based, student-initiated, new mandatory fee and increase to an existing fee. The surcharge is used by the campus to cover need-based financial aid for UCSB students whose financial aid awards would not otherwise cover student-imposed mandatory campus fees. The fee applies to undergraduate and graduate student fees.

Current and Former Student Support

The Recreational Sports Fee makes countless opportunities possible for thousands of students every year. Through Adventure Programs, Sports Clubs, and other events students are able to explore their interests, exercise, and make new friends. All of this is accomplished at an affordable price because of the fee initiative. This fee also goes to support over 550 students who are employed by these programs. Annual events such as the Turkey Trot, as well as services like the Campus Point rental center are all funded primarily through this measure. I strongly encourage you to vote yes on the Recreation Sports fee so these programs can continue to improve the experiences of UCSB students just like it has for me.


The Intramural Sports program provides an important space for so many members of UCSB's community. This Intramural Sports fee is critical to maintaining the diverse and affordable array of recreation programming that Intramural Sports offers. Whether that is enriching recreation programs, state of the art equipment, or student wages, Intramural Sports depends on fees like this to sustain its high quality programming. With the passage of the Intramural Sports fee, students are able to affordably engage in a wide spectrum of sports in various self-identifying skill levels. Along with being immensely popular with student participants, the Intramural Sports program employs more than 110 students in a variety of roles, from referees, Intramural Assistants, Sport Supervisors, and Night Supervisors. The skills obtained by student employees within the Intramural Sports program go on to shape their personal and professional lives in countless ways. Through the power of a robust Recreation Department and a thriving Intramural Sports program, students of all backgrounds can find their place here. This is only possible because of the Intramural Sports fee. 


The Recreation Center Operations Fee will make a large impact for UCSB students on a daily basis. Through this fee, the Rec Cen would continue to be open around 15 hours a day, all days of the week. This gives students the flexibility needed to work out amidst busy schedules. My class schedules have been busy and hectic in the past, so knowing the Rec Cen is open for a wide amount of hours allows me to still work out at a time that works well for me. Having that flexibility also helps numerous students, including myself, to improve physical and mental health, working off stresses from these busy class schedules. The fee also provides opportunities for the expansive facilities to be upgraded, with projects such as outdoor turf fitness area, and upgraded equipment. These new projects keep the Rec Cen an exciting place to work out. Ops also staffs a large number of students itself. Personally, working in Ops, specifically Customer Service, has helped to shape my undergraduate professional experience. Working closely with fellow students and professional staff alike has helped me develop and gain transferable skills to carry with me after I graduate. I strongly encourage you to vote yes for the Recreation Center Operations Fee, so students can continue to enjoy the vast benefits Recreation has to offer.


Help Keep Your Rec Cen Open!

The original thirty-year Rec Cen I Student Lock-in fee that funded the building, and daily operational expenses, of UCSB’s award winning Recreation Center is expiring this summer. As it does, UCSB's student body is tasked with a critical decision. One that will greatly impact access to campus recreational facilities for both current and future Gauchos. As a UCSB student from the early 1990's, the only campus recreation facilities available was a double-wide trailer with 1970's weightlifting equipment and sharing the Old Gym swimming pool with Intercollegiate Athletics. I will be forever grateful for the vision and guts of the undergraduate and graduate students of 1989 who approved to tax themselves to build UCSB's state-of the-art Recreation Center. As a dues-paying staff member of the Rec Cen since 1995, and current Staff Representative on the Rec Cen Governance Board, I appreciate more than most people what our amazing Recreation Center means to the UCSB community. Today, you’re being asked to vote to approve a quarterly replacement Recreation Center Operations Lock-in Fee that will help with facility improvements, and most importantly, cover the $1.3 million dollars in lost annual Rec Cen I revenue that currently pays for basic Rec Cen operational costs. Without this replacement income, we will not be able to cover all the wages of students needed to operate the facility and may have no other choice but to reduce Rec Cen operating hours starting as soon as next Fall quarter. If you appreciate the importance of access to quality recreation facilities at UCSB, then I ask that you vote in favor of the Recreation Center Operations Lock-in Fee this spring.

Help continue the legacy your fellow Gauchos started back in 1989!

The Rec Sports Fee will allow the continuation of students to stay active in the different opportunities offered at UCSB. As a fourth year student, I have had the privilege of participating in Intramurals and Sports Clubs. These programs have over 11,000 students that engage in activities that benefit their wellbeing. It has enabled me to make lifelong connections and make UCSB feel smaller with seeing so many familiar faces. I have found a sense of belonging within the rec sports community and I want the opportunity for other students to find the same. The fee will also arrange an affordable cost for students while providing job opportunities for student development. I strongly recommend the approval of this fee so many students can have the same outstanding experience I had within my college years.

As a current student staff at the Department of Recreation, the referendum for a Recreation Center Operations Fee is necessary. The Recreation Center Operations Fee would increase the possibility of better quality fitness equipment, enhanced conditions for fitness spaces, increased long-term fitness programming capabilities, and the ability to continue to hire student staff. I strongly encourage you to vote yes on the Recreation Center Operations Fee so these opportunities can continue to improve the experiences of UCSB students just like it has for me.


The Recreation Center Operations Fee is critical in allowing the department to continue providing programs, services, and facilities that enrich student experiences at UCSB. These offerings promote an active, balanced lifestyle which enhances overall well-being. This makes an immense impact on maintaining a school to life balance. In addition to exploring personal interests, the Department of Recreation also allows for students to build community through programming, events, and working with like-minded students. This fee will allow the Rec Cen to remain open and accessible to all undergraduate and graduate students for over 100 hours a week. The included membership, expansive hours, and always improving facilities/equipment are made possible by voting yes. Recreation prioritizes its over 600 student employees through professional development, extensive training, and gives them the chance to get real world leadership experience. The department has always made it a priority to put students first in everything they do, and the Recreation Center Operations Fee will continue to make that possible. Even as I find myself on my way out as a student, I know the value that recreation has added to my experience at UCSB, and I think it is essential that we push to enable future students to be able to experience recreation this way, if not better. The Recreation Center Operations Fee is needed to make that happen. VOTE YES!


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Department of Recreation