Welcome to the UCSB Department of Recreation which is one of the largest student employers on campus with over 600+ student positions. You will receive extensive training in your Recreation Area. The trainings outlined below are all REQUIRED by ALL Student Staff in the Department of Recreation. We look forward to working with you at all of these trainings!
Workshop Signup Here (Under Construction)
What is this R2D2 thing and why? This is the one time per year that we all gather as one cohesive department.
It is our day for investing in and gathering our Student Staff annually to provide opportunities that develop professional skills, encourage personal growth and foster a sense of community, setting Recreation up for success.
Do I need to RSVP and/ or signup for the workshops? Workshop Signup Here (Under Construction)
Is is Mandatory? Short answer: YES! Detailed Answer: It is a condition of continued employment. If you are not there, your continued employment is in high jeopardy.
What if I have an extenuating circumstance that prevents me from being there? Talk with your career supervisor. We understand that your surgery, weddings in which your role is "bride, groom or partner," jury duty, etc happens.
Wait, but I already purchased Beyoncé tix and I gotta go! Cool. Hope the show is super fantastic! Ask your career supervisor to write you a letter of recommendation while you search for another job outside of UCSB Recreation. We wish you all the best.
Wait, but I live in the Res Halls and my move in isn't 'till Sun. Do I really need to get a hotel room? Naw, we Gaucho Back. We will provide a campground space complete with a tent, sleeping bag, and ground pad. You'll still need to provide the S'mores though.
OK, my Res Hall move in time is Sat right during the training and the email I got from Housing was pretty clear. I HAVE to move in during my time period. If I move my time I have to pay the equivalent of what I make the entire quarter! So, yeah, they really like everyone to stick to their scheduled move in times to help distribute the demand on parking, staff, and other resources. As it turns out, because we have a mandatory staff training on Sat 9/21/19 from 8:30a-2:30p, they will let any of our staff move in after 3p WITHOUT any penalty. All you need to do is let them know the UCSB Department of Recreation "made me do it."
Congratulations! We are stoked you have been invited to join the UCSB Department of Recreation team which prides itself on a highly professional staff. The “Staff Training for All Recreation Students” or STARS is part of your on-boarding process and foundational training. Rather than schedule multiple days for you to cover a grip of mandatory training, we have packaged a bunch into one big day. We'll cover: Customer Service, Department Overview, Hostile Intruder, Queer/ Trans 101, Conflict De-Escalation, Teambuilding, and a load more...
Your predecessors have said:
“I got to connect with fellow co-workers” – Eden H. | Student Events
“It was a nice change of pace to go outside and see how we were all so diverse” – Shanna H. | Aquatics
“Interactive, fun and get to know people” - Margot S. | Adventure Programs
Winter 2022: TBA
Spring 2022: TBA
9:05 am – 3:50 pm in Rec Cen 1501

Check the Staff Safety Training Schedule
Go to the Recreation Customer Service Center to sign up.